Nature as a visual art piece
Living in a high tech and urban society, incorporating nature into our life is pivotal. As human beings we have always had a deep rooted connection with nature. In fact, there’s a word for it, biophilia. We underestimate the importance of nature and how it can effect our daily lives.
Biophilic Design
Using natural, preseved moss we offer the beauty of the outdoors into your work space. Moss wall art takes a modern twist on the traditional green living wall and gives you an edgy, contemporary look. Inspired by the ideology of biophilia, we embody raw, natural componets from nature and make them into a visual art piece.

The basics
Maintenance free! No watering! We use sustain-ably harvested moss that is preserved using glycerin which helps the moss maintain it’s natural shape and structure. We recommend that you keep the moss wall out of direct sunlight, so the moss can keep it’s fluffy, colorful appeal. Though the moss is preserved, it can have a slightly earthy aroma that will fade as the moss dries out.
From company logos to abstract compositions, each moss wall is custom designed with precision to make a one of a kind art piece. Frames are constructed in house, which gives flexibility to the creative process. We also use low VOC adhesives when adhering material to the frame. If hardware is needed for frames, we offer flush-mount french cleats. Ready to start on your project?